Thursday, December 31, 2009

More profiling at the airports!

Mike Gallagher says we should have separate lines at airports for anyone with the name Ahmed, Abdul, or Mohammed.

I most certainly agree. The current security theater at the airports is more than a joke. Not only is it a major hassle that removes any dignity from air travelers; it's also non-effective. The 9/11 attack can still happen as the current technology and restrictions does not prevent someone from bringing a carbon fiber box cutter on a plane and that was all the 9/11 terrorists needed to hijack four planes and commit the worst act of terror ever. But simple profiling would have kept them all off the plane and probably in prison.

The part about alienating 1 billion people (the Muslims) - so what!? They need to clearly distance themselves from the groups committing terror and the groups justifying it (the existance of Israel etc.) and as long as they don't and still talk about themselves as one group, one family - they're just as guilty as the people actually blowing up bombs.

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